CS373 Spring 2020: Sonali Bhat
Week #10!

What did you do this past week?
This past week, I worked to finish up my work required for Phase 2 of the project. I wrote 15 backend tests and 5 Postman tests. I also added some example responses to our Postman API design. After turning in the Phase 2 project, I studied for Part 2 of our first exam. I felt a little out of practice with the material I had studied before break, so I went through all the in-class Hackerranks a few times.
What’s in your way?
Getting used to classes on Zoom is difficult. I wasn’t able to log into class on Monday until about 30 minutes in because of problems using my UT Zoom account. This caused me to miss the quiz. On Friday, I was able to log in on time, but I didn’t have enough time to read through all the questions because I needed time to set up the Proctorio each time I attempted the quiz. I was forced to randomly choose answers in hopes of getting the last few questions right by luck. For some reason, when we split into breakout rooms in class on Friday, I wasn’t placed in one, which left me alone in the main room for the majority of class. Working with the Zoom software has not been easy.
What will you do next week?
We only have two weeks to finish up the next phase of the project, so I will be spending time improving our website!
What was your experience of Test #1b?
I think Test#1b went well for me! I was glad to be placed in the same group as my team. I was concerned about dealing with Zoom and Proctorio at the same time, but it turned out okay for me. My group had a good plan of action to get through all the questions in time and it worked out for us! All of us passed all the test cases.
What made you happy this week?
I was happy to finally finish up Test #1b! I didn’ t like having it hanging over us all through spring break. I’m glad to be moving on to new material, switching from Python to SQL!
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
If anyone has an summer internship and they are waiting to hear back about it possibly being cancelled/made remote due to COVID-19, I found this GitHub repository that is keeping track of updated information for a lot of companies on their current status for intern (and some new-grad) positions.
Stay healthy, everyone!