CS373 Spring 2020: Sonali Bhat
Week #8!

What did you do this past week?
This past week was a little rough. I spent a lot of time reviewing for the midterm. I went through our in class hackerranks and all the class notes. I put together a review sheet that I eventually shortened to use as my cheat sheet on the exam. I didn’t really spend much time working on the project because I wanted to focus on doing well on the exam.
What’s in your way?
Well, I can definitely say the corona virus is getting in everyone’s way right now. I wish we could have finished off Test#1 already, I don’t like having it hang over us indefinitely. Also, having part one fresh in our mind would probably have helped us do better on the second part.
What will you do next week?
We don’t know when we will finish the second part of the first exam, so I think I will work on the project for a while over the break. I plan to start writing up unit tests for the backend. We have figured out how to host our API endpoints on AWS Elastic Beanstalk, so the frontend is now able to call our API to access our database.
What was your experience of Test #1a?
I thought it went okay! I found the first question a little rough, and I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to figure it out in time. I was grateful that the length of the exam was shortened a little. Overall, I thought the exam was a fair assessment of our knowledge acquired in this course so far.
What made you happy this week?
I am glad to be done with a lot of midterms this week. I had midterms in most of my classes, and I’m relieved to put them behind me. I was happy to finish off part 1 of the exam for this class as well.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
Seeing as we are gonna be having most of our lectures over Zoom or other online methods, I realize that it’s gonna be harder to avoid distractions that would be easier to curb when we are physically sitting in class. Tip of the week? Think about possibly installing an app like OffTime that will stop you from scrolling through social media apps when you are supposed to be focusing on lectures. It’ll be to your benefit!
Have a good spring break everyone! Stay healthy!