CS373 Spring 2020: Sonali Bhat
Post #6!

What did you do this past week?
This past week, I worked with my group to finish phase 1 for our project. I worked with one of my teammates to design our API on Postman. I also made major contributions to our technical report. I designed a little logo for our favicon.
What’s in your way?
I don’t feel like there was anything in my way.
What will you do next week?
Next week, I’m going to work with my fellow backend team members to start creating our API to serve our frontend. I will need to learn more about how to use Flask, as I have had only a little experience with it in the past. We will also start writing unit tests to make sure that our backend is working as it should.
What was your experience of comprehensions, generators, and yield?
I have used Python for a few years now, so I was already familiar with these concepts. It was a good refresher for me to hear them explained in lecture. I found it interesting to have the different ways to implement range laid out for us. I don’t think I would have considered using yield for that purpose otherwise.
What made you happy this week?
I think I’m pretty proud of what my group has accomplished for Phase 1. A lot of the technologies we used were new to most of us, so I think it’s pretty cool to step back and see how much we’ve already got. I am excited to see our web app grow over the coming weeks!
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
Use Git. Even for other classes when it’s not required, Git is the best way to save your work at certain checkpoints and have the ability to roll back to previous versions if you mess things up. I, myself, am guilty of not utilizing git as much as I could/should, however it really is a useful tool that we will all inevitably need to become comfortable with. The sooner, the better.
Have a great week everyone!