CS371p Spring 2021: Sonali Bhat
Post #2

What did you do this past week?
This past week, I started taking a look at our new assignment. It’s been a while since I’ve used C++ so I’m trying to refamiliarize myself with the syntax and format. I’ve reviewed the best practices of using assertions. I also spent some time thinking about the differences between unit tests and acceptance tests.
What’s in your way?
I don’t think anything in particular is in my way.
What will you do next week?
Next week, especially after we have discussed caching options in class, I plan to deep dive into our first assignment. The workflow looks very detailed and I plan to follow it diligently as I go through the assignment.
If you read it, what did you think of the makefile?
It gave me a better idea of what will be done for us behind the scenes. I was able to recognize tools and flags from those we discussed in class. I thought some of the code, especially to run specific tests, might turn out to be useful for debugging purposes.
What was your experience of Docker?
At the moment, I’m SSHing into the UTCS Lab Machines, which have all the tools we need.
What was your experience of assertions?
I have used assertions before, however it was still nice to have a refresher on assertions in class. They are going to be a really useful tool to catch problems sooner rather than later. Hopefully, diligent use of assertions will save me a lot of debugging time in the future.
What was your experience of unit tests?
I understand why unit test frameworks are useful tools. It definitely makes sense to me why we would want to be able to run all our tests and be returned the results for them all rather than stopping at our first error/exception.
What made you happy this week?
I’ve been spending time learning to play the Ukelele! Spending my free time learning new songs makes me happy!
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
For anyone else trying to brush up on C++ or running into any issues as we do our first assignment, I found this website useful!